Washington Government Finance User Group
Washington Finance User Group
A Google Group has existed for government finance professionals in Washington. The group was started by Finance Directors in south King County as a way to share high-level information on accounting, financial reporting, SAO audits, discussion of management issues, etc. It has been a great way to share information and find out how people in other cities are dealing with issues that come up or for general information sharing. They thought it would be good to broaden the availability of the Google Group to a larger area within the State.
The Google Group is modeled after others you might be aware of like the Washington City Managers/Administrators Group, ACCIS which is used for government IT professionals in Washington, and others to name a few. Subscribing to the Group initially has to be done through Google, but you will receive instructions for how to receive emails from the Google Group to your work email address, if desired, rather than a Google email account.
If you are interested in subscribing to the Google Group, just send an email to shunstock99@gmail.com. After doing so, you will receive a Welcome email with additional information about the Group.
Direct link to site: https://groups.google.com/g/wcfd/about